Apartment for sale

2 bedrooms 236 square meters

Immoweb code : 10169986
Immoweb code : 10169986


2 bedrooms
1 bathroom
236 square meters livable space
Floor : 3


Investment property with huge potential!

You are not afraid to undertake work and wish to acquire an investment property with immense potential? This 3 unit apartment building in URBAN ORDER is for you! Composed of a commercial first floor with garden, a duplex with a large terrace of 40m2 and a studio, this property is located near all amenities and roads.
Miscellaneous : DV frame, roof in good condition.
For any questions or for a possible visit do not hesitate to contact our office
at 04 231 21 21

PEB Duplex : D, N° 20220906017744 , E spec : 297 , E total : 28.248
PEB Studio : D, N° 20220907025497, E spec : 289 , E total : 9.466

The information and measurements are provided for information purposes only and are not contractually binding.the owner, seller of the property, will have the legal right, free and autonomous, to sell or not. If he decides to sell, he is not obliged to retain the highest offer but chooses the one that suits him best according to his own criteria


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