Huis te koop


7 slaapkamers 429 vierkante meters

Immoweb code : 11376557
Immoweb code : 11376557


7 slaapkamers
429 vierkante meters bewoonbare ruimte
14207 vierkante meters grond


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En :
Once through the gate, the driveway lined with lime trees leads first to the caretaker's cottage, and then to the mansion, past the garages with four parking spaces. The residence was built in 1820 on a large terrace cut out of the hillside. Four troglodyte cellars line the terrace, all of which are reminiscent of the wine production of previous centuries. One of these still contains the wine press and another the bread oven. The gently sloping park stretches from the alley with lime trees down to the bottom of the slope. This is where the swimming pool and tennis court are located. The property is entirely enclosed by walls, hedges and fences, with the exception of a separate plot of woodland of just over 2,300 m² situated on the plateau above the house.
The residenceThe mansion faces mainly towards the north-west. The initially rectangular building has been extended at one end by a slightly wider and taller wing. On the other side, there is a freestanding turret. In the second half of the last century, two extensions were added. One single-storey wing at the rear, and another annexe with two levels, extending the south-west gable and thereby linking the turret to the complex. The facades are mainly of tuffeau stone and the roofs are slate, except for the extensions which have roof terraces.
The ground floor
The two reception rooms and the bedroom follow on from one another and are situated in the main building. They enjoy an unobstructed view over the parklands, the

Fr :
Dans la vallée du Loir, du côté de Vendôme, une maison de maître de 1820, dans un parc de 1,4 hectare.

Le portail franchi, l'allée bordée de tilleuls conduit d'abord à la maison de gardien, puis à la maison de maître en passant par les garages qui disposent de quatre emplacements. La demeure a été bâtie en 1820 sur une large terrasse creusée à flanc de coteau. Quatre caves troglodytiques bordent la terrasse, liées à l'activité viticole des siècles précédents. L'une d'elle conserve encore le pressoir, une autre le four à pain. Le parc s'étend, en pente douce, de l'allée de tilleuls jusqu'au pied du versant. C'est à ce niveau que sont installés la piscine et le tennis. La propriété est entièrement close de murs, de haies et de clôtures, hormis une parcelle de bois d'un peu plus de 2300 m², non attenante, qui est située sur le plateau, au dessus de la maison.

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