House for sale

3 bedrooms 107 square meters

Immoweb code : 10122566
Immoweb code : 10122566


3 bedrooms
1 bathroom
107 square meters livable space
151 square meters of land


Bright 3 bedroom house

You can decide to modernize this bright 3-bedroom house or not, the other qualities will convince you, such as the quiet and popular area with all its amenities or the double access to the house by car at the front and back. Be tempted by the visit! 

PEB F, N°20220916003855 , E spec : 442 E total : 45.271

Information and measurements are provided for informational purposes only and are not contractually binding.
The owner, seller of the property, has the legal, free and autonomous right to sell or not to sell. If he decides to sell, he is not obliged to accept the highest offer, but chooses the one that best suits him according to his own criteria.

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