House for sale

2 bedrooms 120 square meters

Immoweb code : 10124211
Immoweb code : 10124211


2 bedrooms
1 bathroom
120 square meters livable space
463 square meters of land


Nice 3 bedroom house from the 60's

JUPILLE (Bois de Breux): In a nice quiet area, nice house with 3 facades from the 60s. With beautiful volumes, it has 3 bedrooms and an office but also a large garage and a driveway to park other vehicles. Its beautiful garden will make you happy! It's up to you to decide how to make it your own!

PEB F, N°20220919011852, E spec : 490 E total : 63.115

The information and measurements are provided purely as an indication and not contractual.
The owner, seller of the property, will have the legal faculty, free and autonomous, to sell or not. If he decides to sell, he is not obliged to retain the highest offer but chooses the one that suits him best according to his own criteria


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